
Shipping & Payment Policy for Sellers

Welcome to our Fashion Materials Marketplace! Thank you for choosing to be part of our community as a seller. Below you will find the general terms regarding shipments and payments between you and the Marketplace.

Product Shipments:
  • Each seller is required to fulfill their orders within 2 business days, provided that the product is immediately available and in stock.
  • Please keep your inventory updated and regularly check it for the accuracy of product availability.
  • Each seller collaborates with a shipping company for the delivery of their products.
Shipping costs:

The shipping cost may vary depending on the individual seller. Sellers have the ability to set the shipping cost of their products through their dashboard. The shipping zones for Greek destinations have been defined as follows:


For each different zone, the shipping cost may vary.

The shipping cost is fixed and does not depend on the weight of the products.

If you wish to define new shipping zones that have not been specified by the marketplace administrator, you should contact {support@sxediomodas.gr}.

Payment methods:

Consumers have the option to pay for their orders using the following methods:

  • Card payment. Consumers can pay with any card, either through Viva Wallet’s secure interbank system for e-shops or through their Pay Pal account.
  • Cash on delivery. Consumers have the option to pay cash on delivery. In this case, the consumer will be charged a service cost of €1.80.
Marketplace commissions.

“Sxedio Modas” will receive a commission of 8% for each transaction carried out through the platform (+24% VAT).

Sxedio Modas” will always issue an invoice for its fees.

This fee can be deducted from the sales amount before the remaining balance is paid to the seller.

The commission is calculated based on the transaction amount, excluding shipping costs.

For example, if we have a transaction of 10.00€ and the shipping cost is 3.00€, then the commission is calculated as:

10 x 8% = 0,80 € 0,80 +24% = 0,99 €

Ο πωλητής θα λάβει στο λογαριασμό του το ποσό 9,01 + 3,00 €

Sellers will be able to automatically withdraw weekly or monthly from their dashboard.

The system has been automated to process payments every Thursday, after orders have been completed. If you wish to receive your payments monthly, you should contact the administrators at support@sxediomodas.gr.

Money transfer costs for bank transfers are the responsibility of the sellers and will be included in the invoice.

The cost is €1.50

In this case, our example above would be as follows:

10 x 8% = 0,80 €, 0,80 + 1,50 = 2,30 €, 2.30 + 24% = 2,85

The seller will receive in their account the amount of 7.15€ + 3.00€.

Sellers who choose to be paid via Paypal do not incur remittance fees unless currency conversion is involved.

The currency conversion fee is 3.00% above the base rate.

Cash on delivery case:

Each seller collaborates with a shipping company for the delivery of their products.

This means we enable consumers to pay with cash on delivery.

The cost of this service is €1.80 for all sellers.

It is automatically charged at checkout and you do not need to add it to the shipping cost.

In the case of cash on delivery, each seller is required to pay their commissions to the marketplace on the first of every month from cash receipts, without charging the marketplace with bank charges.

If payments are not made within 3 business days from the 1st of each month, your account will be temporarily deactivated until the marketplace commission is paid.

If this situation is repeated more than three times, your account will be disabled for at least one year.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above terms, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and provide you with the best possible experience in our Marketplace.

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